Research Projects

True Signal partners with the University of Music and Performing Arts in Frankfurt/Germany (HfMDK) to conduct research on the use of Heart Rate Variability for the academic formation of artists, and musicians in particular.

The results of a pilot study, conducted in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic early in 2020, were eagerly applauded during the research conference of the HfMDK on May 6-8, 2021. The full coverage is available on the HfMDK´s homepage.

A second project is the “Music of HRV”: We developed a method, that produces astounding music pieces from heart rate measurements! The full article is under review!

An upcoming project also deals in HRV: We made a postulate that there is a “cross-HRV”, or cHRV, a quantity about temporal coherence of HRV-parameters across interacting humans. Experimental work is in preparation in various places across Germany. We at True Signal are extremely proud to be in involved in such potentially game-changing research!


Göhle, U.H.; Schuller, J.C.; Ferraro, S. (2022). Quantitative Gesundheitsparameter in der psychomotorischen Reflexion am Beispiel der Herzfrequenzvariabilität. In: motorik, 3/2022 45. Jg., S. 135–141, doi: 10.2378/mot2022.art24d

Schuller JC, Göhle UH. The Music of HRV. Leonardo Volume 56, Issue 1 (2023).doi: 10.1162/leon_a_02292